Texts on this page have been partially machine translated from German.

IT and online services for employees

This page offers you an overview of the IT and online services related to your everyday life at FH Aachen.
Here you will find brief information about the services as well as tips, links, instructions and contacts.

Aktuelle Informationen zu Wartungen, Störungen und Neuigkeiten finden Sie in unserem Newsbereich.

User management & Internet access

FH identifier

In principle, user data is assigned as follows:

Email address mustermann@fh-aachen.de
FH identifier mm5678e

Change password
If you want to change your assigned password, you can do so via the Services page in the account management. Please use your FH account (FH identifier + password) to login.

DVZ Help Center
T +49. 241. 6009 52915

2-factor authentication

What is two-factor authentication?
Two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to your user account. Proof of your identity using a second factor (like currently your cell phone) prevents anyone but you from logging in, even if they know your password.

How it works:

  • Enter username and password as usual.
  • Use your registered device to verify your identity.
  • Securely logged in.

Once you're logged into Duo, you're ready to go: Log in as usual with your UAS identifier and associated password, then use your device to prove it's you.

Why do I need this?
Passwords are increasingly easy to uncover. They can often be stolen, guessed or hacked - you may not even know someone is accessing your account.
Two-factor authentication provides extra security here: your account is still safe even if your password has been compromised. With Duo Push, you'll receive a notification directly to your smartphone if someone tries to log in using your credentials.

Learn more




In the buildings of the FH you have access to an area-wide and free WLAN. The FH Aachen participates in eduroam, a service of the German Research Network. This allows you to use the internet worldwide at all universities/institutions participating in the program without having to make new settings. In Aachen, RWTH Aachen University participates in the eduroam program in addition to FH Aachen.

Username FH-Kennung@fh-aachen.de
Password ************

Please use the instructions of the DFN for easyroam.

Guest WLAN
The guest WLAN can be set up for external persons who do not have a university ID. It is NOT intended for students who do not get eduroam (the normal WLAN) configured.
You can get your access data from the respective department administrator.

Help Center of the DVZ of FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009 52915

FH Map

Multifunctional and handy

Your FH card is a chip card that will accompany you through your studies or activities at the FH Aachen. It serves as a student ID card/FH ID card and library card. You can use it for cashless payments in the dining halls and cafeterias of FH Aachen and RWTH Aachen University as well as in all branch libraries of FH Aachen. Furthermore, you can use your FH Card for access control to university sports (ID card with photo). You can apply for your FH Card on the Services page of the FH Aachen at services.fh-aachen.de. On this page you can manage your FH card yourself, e.g. block your FH card, apply for a new FH card, upload a new photo, check the status of your FH card, etc.

The "FH Card" without a photo can only be used as a library card and payment card.

The card will be mandatory. This means: you have to apply for one of the two card variants, but you are free to choose which functions you want to unlock or use. The service agreement for the card has been published and can be downloaded.

Persons who are not in a service/employment relationship with the FH Aachen (Lecturers, Honorary Professors, Interns, Graduate Assistants) will receive an FH Card without a photo.

The "FH Card" can be ordered immediately via our service pages at https://services.fh-aachen.deThe cards will be sent out as soon as possible.

Services / Replacement card

Logindata Services
Username FH-Kennung
Password ************

Further information

Service Point FH Card Employees
Bayernallee 11, Room 04007, 52066 Aachen
Phone: +49 241 6009 51097
Email: fh-karte.beschaeftigte(at)fh-aachen.de


Encrypted access to the FH Aachen network

For some services, such as electronic journals and licensed databases of the Library, access is restricted to members of the FH Aachen.

In order to identify oneself as belonging to the FH Aachen, even if one is not in a university building or in the network of the FH Aachen, VPN clients are used. They offer the possibility to establish a secure connection to the university-internal
data network independent of location. With the help of the VPN client, your computer receives an IP address of the FH Aachen and thus identifies itself as a member of the university. This way you have full access to all services even from home.

VPN stands for "Virtual Private Network". With VPN, an open, unprotected network can be used to create a secure subnet in which communication is protected against access by third parties. This is achieved by tunneling the data traffic through a VPN server, where the connections must be authenticated during setup. The data is encrypted at the same time.

To establish the connection, use the AnyConnect software.

To log in to AnyConnect, you need the software and your login data.

User name UAS identifier
Password ************



Help Center of the DVZ of FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009 52915

Home directory

The employees and students of the FH Aachen each have a so-called "home drive" or "home directory" on which they can store data.

The storage space of the network drive is 5GB for students.

The home directory can be accessed from private computers as soon as there is a connection to the FH network. This is possible within the UAS via Eduroam/ Esayroam and can be established outside the UAS via a VPN connection.

Please note that a Windows user profile can only ever be connected to one file server profile.


Communication services


VoIP Telephony

With the changeover of the telephony from the old Alcatel telephone system to the new VoIP telephone system, DVZ is responsible for the operation.
The new telephone system has so far been installed in the locations:

  • Eupener Strasse 70
  • Bayernallee 9 and 11
  • Goethestrasse 1 and 3
  • Jülich
  • Cologne

introduced. The old telephone system is currently being replaced step by step

Please note that if you move to another office, you can simply take your telephone with you, just like your computer. Nothing has to be changed on the telephone itself ! The operation of the phone is in principle possible at any network connection.If the phone does not boot or can not connect, please let us know at which port the phone was plugged in ( possibly with picture ).


Status: 16.05.2022

Fax server

Due to the Telekom forced change of the telecommunication connection technology at the UAS from PSTN to SIP, many old FAX devices do not work anymore.
For this reason, the UAS has decided to offer a central FAX server solution tailored to the new situation.

FAX'e are no longer transmitted by individual FAX devices, but the desired documents are transmitted to the FAX server and it takes care of sending them.
The FAX server works similar to a mail server. i.e. users get an account on the system.
This account is assigned an incoming and outgoing mailbox, which the user can access via a web page.

At the UAS we distinguish between "personal" FAX accounts and "team" FAX accounts.

In a "personal" FAX account, a user is assigned a FAX number and an account on the FAX server.
Only this user can access the account and its contents.
Furthermore, the FAX account is linked to the user's mail account (Outlook) and all incoming and outgoing FAX's are additionally sent to the user via mail.
This way the user is always informed about what is going on in his FAX mailbox.

The "Team" account is first assigned to a responsible person.
This person gets an additional "function account" with a separate mail address.
The "function account" can then also be used to log on to the FAX server and to receive and send FAX'e.
The responsible person decides about the passing on of the access data to the team members.
The mail account is additionally included in the normal mail account with the responsible person and all "team members".
Thus, all team members are always informed about the receipt and sending of documents.


  • Login
  • Send FAX
  • FAX - how does it actually work

Status: 23.02.2021


Online ticket system

Online ticket system JIRA

The online ticket system offers all FH members the possibility to submit requests and incident reports. Possible help is displayed for the described problem. In addition, you can query the processing status at any time and receive re-registration after completion.

Access to the online ticket system
> https://hilfecenter.fh-aachen.de

Login data:
User name FH identifier
Password ************

Help Center of the DVZ of the FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009 52915


Mailman is the distribution system for emails to different user groups of the UAS. Messages can be sent via this to lists such as all students or employees. However, these are controlled beforehand by a specified moderator in order to avoid misuse.

The enclosure of the lists is always done by the DVZ team. Moderation and administration is done by the person responsible for the list.

An overview of all lists currently set up can be found at:

Only visible after login


FH email address

All students and employees of the FH Aachen have an FH email address. Your communication with the university takes place via this mail address.
Therefore, please check your emails regularly.
By the way: You can continue to use your FH email address when you leave the university.

Access to the webmailer:
> https://mail.fh-aachen.de

Login data webmail:
Username FH-identifier
Password ************

Login datamail client:
Username FH-Kennung@ad.fh-aachen.de
Password ************


Further information:

Change password
If you want to change your assigned password, you can do it via the service page.
> https://services.fh-aachen.de

Help Center of the DVZ of FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009 52915

Cisco Webex

Employees of the UAS have access to the communication tool Webex from Cisco. With Webex Meetings, appointments such as meetings can be held in small groups. Webex Trainings can be used to hold online lectures, for example. Teams is the right channel for collaboration in Divisions, subject areas, teams and workgroups.

To log in, enter your UAS email address. You will then be redirected to our central login page where you can log in with your usual credentials.

Webex Meetings / Trainings

For advanced functions there is a desktop client. You can install this via the software center without administrator rights. There the program is called: "Cisco Webex Meetings Desktop Application".

Webex Teams

For advanced functions there is a Desktop Client. You can install this via the Software Center without administrator rights. There the program is called: "Cisco Webex Teams desktop application".

Permission to use:
Initially, only the organizer needs an account for Webex Meetings. Participants only need to know the URL and the room password.
Whether tutors can be organizers depends on what kind of contracts they have. Wihis are considered as normal employees and so they can also log in to Webex Meetings and host meetings/trainings.

System status

Help Center of the DVZ of FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009 52915

Adobe Connect

Adobe Connect - Online Virtual Meetings

Adobe Connect is a service that allows UAS employees to hold a virtual meeting. All that is needed is a PC with Internet access. If you have a webcam and headset, you can also video conference.

Why should I use Adobe Connect?

Think of a meeting inside Adobe Connect as you would a real-life meeting - except the participants don't have to be in the same place.


The conference service in the German Research Network

With the DFNconf service, DFN-Verein offers its users in the scientific community the possibility to hold video, audio and web conferences. Up to 23 clients can participate in a conference. Participation can take place via web browser, app (iOS, Android), telephone or video conferencing system.

Meeting organizer
Members of the FH Aachen can register as meeting organizers at https://my.conf.dfn.de and create meeting rooms there. The login is done via the central authentication service (Shibboleth) of the FH Aachen, i.e. with the usual access data.

Meeting participation
Participation always takes place via the so-called room number.

  1. Web browser under Windows, MacOS, Linux: conf.dfn.de/webapp/conference/ROOMNUMBER
  2. SIP/H.323 conference system or SIP/H.323 software client:
    1. H.323: 0049100ROOMNUMBER
    2. SIP: RAUMNUMMER@conf.dfn.de
  3. Phone (audio only): 0049 30 200 ROOMNUMBER
  4. Skype for Business: RAUMNUMMER@vc.dfn.de
  5. Smartphone: RAUMNUMMER@conf.dfn.de
    1. Android: https: //play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pexip.infinityconnect
    2. iOS: https: //itunes.apple.com/us/app/pexip-infinity-connect/id1195088102

Additional information:
Detailedtiere information and instructions can be found on the
pages of the service:
> www.conf.dfn.de

Help Center of the DVZ of FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009 52915


Confluence is a collaboration and knowledge management software used at FH Aachen. It allows teams to share, organize, and manage ideas, information, and projects in one central location. In addition to this function, Confluence also serves as an instructional database at FH Aachen.

Access to Confluence:

The login is done via the FH identifier. After login you can see all areas that are unlocked for you.

Study & Teaching


Web-based study planner

CampusOffice is your web organizer for planning and managing your studies. What used to be possible only by standing in long queues is now managed via CampusOffice. As a student, you register here for courses and lectures that require registration and compile your personal schedule online.

You will be informed by email about room and schedule changes. You can also access the online Examination Office QIS via CampusOffice.

You can export all entries from your timetable in iCal-
format and thus import them into your privately used system (Apple
iCal, Outlook, Thunderbird, Google Calendar, etc.).

Login data:
Username FH identifier
Password ************

Access to the service:
> www.campusoffice.fh-aachen.de



Online Study Service

The Online Study Service aims to support you in managing your studies. You can generate registration certificates, check your re-registration fee account, and update your address information. You can also submit online requests for leave of absence, deregistration, and refunds of overpayments. As registered students, you can also use this channel to submit an application for another Bachelor's degree programme or, after successfully completing your Bachelor's degree, a Master's degree programme.

Login data:
User name FH identifier
Password ************

Access to HISinOne STU
> hi.fh-aachen.de

Registrar's Office of FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009. 51620


Teaching and learning materials for online learning

ILIAS provides a personalized learning platform. Here, instructors have their own area where they can provide materials for courses and lectures online - for example, PowerPoint slides or bibliographies.

In addition, ILIAS offers numerous other functions such as access to online meeting rooms from Adobe Connect, tools for online collaboration such as Etherpad, as well as the possibility of creating and evaluating surveys for your project, bachelor or master thesis.

Login data:
Username FH identifier
Password ************

Further information:
Access to ILIAS
> www.ilias.fh-aachen.de

T +49. 241. 6009 52915


Online study and exam administration

With the online study service QIS you can manage your exams/ written examinations. During the registration periods for exams, you can register online (and also deregister up to one week before the exam date), as well as view your final module grades at any time and create your grade report.

Login data:
Username FH-Kennung
Password ************

Access to QIS
> https://www.qis.fh-aachen.de

Further information
>furtherinformation and instructions

Help Center of the DVZ of the FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009 52915



sciebo is a free cloud storage service by and for universities in NRW that enables the storage, sharing and synchronization of university-related data. The special feature: Unlike commercial providers, the data is processed exclusively by the universities themselves and strictly in accordance with the German Data Protection Act. Each user receives 30 GB of storage volume free of charge; employees can obtain more storage space or project boxes if required (e.g. for research projects).

A one-time registration with the FH identifier is required for use. After assigning a personal password you can log in to Sciebo.

Login data (registration):
Username FH identifier
Password ************

Further information:
Access to the sciebo Campuscloud

Information and instructions

Help Center of the DVZ of FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009 52915


The eLearning project offers you a central podcast service in cooperation with the data processing center. This gives you the opportunity to view lectures and projects to be recorded or recorded online.

All you need to play the video recordings is your Internet browser (Explorer, Firefox) with the appropriate plug-in and your UAS user data.

Short description of the podcast service

  • Recording of lectures, projects,...
  • Livestreaming and streaming on the internet
  • Group sharing of video recordings (university, faculty, groups of people)
  • Video conferencing
  • Password protection



  • Login
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox


Other services


For employees, the following products are available from the IT support of the respective locations ( https://www.fh-aachen.de/hochschule/datenverarbeitungszentrale/support ). They will also inform you about the license conditions.

These Microsoft products are only available for faculty and staff of the FH Aachen within the scope of the Microsoft Campus License for use on official computers!


  • Windows Enterprise 10 and 11 (Update version only! A licensed Windows operating system must already be present on the computer.)


  • Office Professional Plus 2019
  • Office Professional Plus 2021
  • Project Pro 2019
  • Project Pro 2021
  • Visio Pro 2019
  • Visio Pro 2021

Products for Macintosh

  • Office for Mac Standard 2019


Help Center of the DVZ of FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009 52915

MATLAB Campus License

Campus-wide license

FH Aachen offers a campus-wide license that allows you to use MATLAB, Simulink and a wide range of addons for academic research and teaching. Commercial use is not permitted.

Further information:

The MATLAB portal at FH Aachen provides access to the software for individual users:


Click on "Register Now" in the MATLAB portal and follow the instructions to link your account to the new license and access the download area.

Existing MATLAB users follow the same steps to link to the new license.

Please contact the Help Center if you have any questions or if you encounter any problems. For installation questions, please contact MathWorks Support directly.

Getting Started Resources:

MATLAB Academy Registration
You will receive the link when you log in to this website using your UAS identifier.

Help Center of the DVZ of FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009 52915


Version management for software projects

GitLab is a web-based version management application based on Git. GitLab is offered on two different server instances. The instance git.fh-aachen.de is operated with a "GitLab for Education" license and may only be used for the education of students and the development of OpenSource software without the intention of making a profit. Compliance with the underlying license terms of GitLab is mandatory(https://about.gitlab.com/terms/#edu-oss).

The instance git-ce.fh-aachen.de is subject to a "Community Edition" license. It offers fewer functions than the "Ultimate Edition", but the license conditions allow free use.

Access to GitLab
> https://git.fh-aachen.de

Access toGitLab CE
> https://git-ce.fh-aachen.de

Login data:
Username FH identifier
Password ************

Help Center of the DVZ of FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009 52915

Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

Software alliance with Microsoft

The ,Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching' program offers students and faculty at FH Aachen the opportunity to use Microsoft software such as operating systems (e.g. Windows 10), server products (e.g. Windows Server, SQL Server), and developer tools for research and teaching free of charge. A full list of products offered can be found after logging into the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching Portal.

  • Client operating systems (Windows 10,...)
  • Developer tools (Visual Studio 2017, SQL Server Developer,...)
  • Server operating systems (Hyper-v Server 2016, SQL Server 2016,...)
  • Applications (Access 2016, Visio 2016,...)
  • Office products like Word, Excel or Powerpoint are explicitly not included.

The offer of "Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching" can be used by all students of accredited educational institutions (universities, technical colleges, high schools, vocational and commercial schools). The use of the software is restricted as follows: "Students may use the software for study and research purposes without limitation. The software may not be used for business or other commercial purposes. However, "Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching" has formed a partnership with Microsoft App Store teams to allow students to create games and apps for the Windows Store. This is the only case where students are allowed to use software available on Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching for commercial purposes."

More information:
Access Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching Portal
> https://azureforeducation.microsoft.com/devtools
For the full contract agreement, please visit the following link:
> azureforeducation.microsoft.com/de-DE/institutions/guidelines
For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), please visit the following link:
> https://azureforeducation.microsoft.com/de-de/institutions/faq


Help Center of the DVZ of the FH Aachen
T +49. 241. 6009 52915

DFN appointment poll tool

The German Research Network (DFN) offers a free appointment planner as a tool for coordinating appointments.

With the help of the appointment planner you can name one or more appointments and invite members. You can then send the persons a link which leads them to the appointment planner. The participants enter their availability status there so that the best possible appointment can be found for the group.

In contrast to the Swiss Doodle, the DFN appointment planner is an advertising-free project. Because of the data protection terms and conditions of the Doodle scheduling software, we recommend the use of the free DFN scheduler. Here, the data is stored on the servers of the German research network and is automatically deleted on a date of your choice.



Eupener Straße 70
Building B
52066 Aachen
T +49.241.600952915

More software

Free Software

The software pool of the FH Aachen offers besides Microsoft products further software licenses.

DVZ Help Center
T +49. 241. 6009 52915