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Der Studiengang Biotechnologie M.Sc. ist ein zulassungsbeschränkter Studiengang. Um sich auf diesen Studiengang bewerben zu können, müssen Sie bestimmte Zugangsvoraussetzungen erfüllen. Gerne erläutern wir Ihnen, welche Voraussetzungen Sie mitbringen müssen und wie Sie sich dann auf einen Studienplatz bewerben können.

Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Ihr Studium in diesem Studiengang zum Wintersemester und zum Sommersemester aufzunehmen. Die Bewerbungsfrist für das Wintersemester startet am 15.05.2024 und endet am 15.07.2024.

Wichtige Downloads

Prüfungsordnung Masterstudiengänge Biotechnologie

Short description:

Prüfungsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge „Biotechnologie (M.Sc.)“ (3 Semester) und „Biotechnologie mit Praxissemester (M.Sc.)“ (4 Semester)

Zugangsordnung Masterstudiengänge „Biotechnologie“ und „Biotechnologie mit Praxissemester“ | Lesbare Fassung

Short description:

Zugangsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge „Biotechnologie“ und „Biotechnologie mit Praxissemester“ in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung der Änderungsordnung vom 30.01.2020 – FH-Mitteilung Nr. 4/2020 (Nichtamtliche lesbare Fassung)

Admission Requirements for the Biotechnology M.Sc. Degree Programme

In addition to the general admission requirements, you must also meet the following requirements for the Biotechnology M.Sc. degree programme:

Three-/Four-Semester Biotechnology M.Sc. Degree Programme

For the three-semester Biotechnology M.Sc. degree programme, the first professionally qualifying university degree is suitable if it comprises at least seven semesters of university studies and at least 210 credit points.

Admission requirements for the four-semester Master's degree programme Biotechnology M.Sc. with practical semester are a professionally qualifying university degree comprising at least six semesters of university studies with at least 180 credit points.

For details and further requirements, please refer to the Admission Regulations for this degree programme. You can find these under Downloads.

Language Skills Required

Admission to the degree programme requires sufficient command of the German language, as proven by the German Language Examination for University Admission (DSH 2) or equivalent examinations in accordance with the Regulations for the German Language Examination for University Admission (DSH) at FH Aachen as amended from time to time.

Proof of English language skills is not required. However, we would like to point out that some of the courses in the degree programme are only offered in English.

For details and further requirements, please refer to the Admission Regulations for this degree programme. You can find these under Downloads.

Educational Background

With regard to the special educational background, the following knowledge should be in place:

  1. Biochemistry
  2. Microbiology
  3. Molecular Biology / Genetics
  4. Enzyme Technology
  5. Bioprocess Engineering
  6. Cell Culture Technology
  7. Environmental Biotechnology
  8. Plant Biotechnology
  9. Immunology
  10. Virology

In at least four areas, proof must be provided for a total of at least 36 credits from this catalogue of subjects. If no credit points are specified for study and examination achievements, or if the allocation of a proven examination achievement to the areas 1-10 is not unequivocal, the Examination Board shall decide on the comparability of the achievements.

Details and further requirements can be found in the Admission Regulations for this degree programme. You can find these under Downloads.

Information on Other Requirements

  • Neither a pre-study practical training is necessary nor do you have to take an aptitude test.
  • Participation in the Online Self Assessment (OSA)/FH Navigator is not required for the Biotechnology M.Sc. degree programme.

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