International Affairs Department of International Affairs

Willkommen! Welcome! Bienvenue!

The Department of International Affairs is the contact point for all questions regarding the internationality of studies and teaching. The team provides support for international students at FH Aachen and advises and informs students who are interested in spending part of their studies abroad about study opportunities and scholarships.  (Fact Sheet FH Aachen)

Students of Business Studies (Faculty 7) will find information on the website of the International Faculty Office (IFO).

Office Hours Aachen

Personal consultations are available again, but only by prior appointment.

Tuesday & Thursday
9 a.m. - 11.30 a.m.

Closed on Mondays, Wednesdays andFridays!

During the NRW autumn holidays (02.10.-13.10.2023), the AAA will be closed for personal visits.
However, you can still reach us by e-mail during this time.


FH Aachen
1st Floor
Bayernallee 11
52066 Aachen

T. +49.241.6009 51018/52839


Office Hours Jülich

Personal consultations are available again, but only by prior appointment.

Monday and Wednesday
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Closed on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays!

During the NRW autumn holidays (02.10.-13.10.2023), the AAA will be closed for personal visits.
However, you can still reach us by e-mail during this time.


FH Aachen
Campus Jülich
Room 00A43 & 00A44
Heinrich-Mußmann-Str. 1
52428 Jülich

T. +49.241.6009 53270/53290


Appeal by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in NRW against Xenophobia and Violence